Naked images of high-profile actors, models, singers and presenters have been leaked online in an apparent hacking leak linked to the Apple iCloud service. Dozens of pictures were indiscriminately posted to 4chan, with users later claiming to have access to more explicit content which they were willing to upload in exchange for payments via PayPal or Bitcoin. Around 60 naked pictures of Lawrence were reportedly stolen, with the supposed hacker also claiming to possess explicit videos of the Hunger Games star. A master list claiming to show the names of all the stars hacked has since been posted online.
The leak has raised concerns surrounding the safety and security of digital devices.
While Apple has not confirmed that its iCloud service was involved in the purported leak and Apple’s encryption on general data is considered robust, access can be been gained if a hacker is able to guess a users’ passwords. An account can alternatively be easily accessed by resetting a user’s account by finding their email address and then answering traditional ‘security questions’.