Apple’s AirPlay was first presented in iOS 5, which enabled sending sound and video on iPhone or iPad to AppleTV. It was one of those astounding minutes when Apple coordinated your iDevice and your TV. Moreover, now-a-days, ones’ iPhone can be mirrored to Mac/PC with the help of AirPlay. This post will highlight how to […]
Tag: Windows 7
Fix Black Screen of Death
To fix black screen of death in Windows 7/ 8, try the following steps, Press Clt + Alt + Del Type cmd and press Enter Type cd c:/windows and Press Enter Type dir explorer.exe /s /p and Press Enter Copy the last diretory (right click in cmd ,click “mark”,and click “enter” to copy) Paste (Right click in cmd […]
create file or folder without name
want to create file or folder without name in ur windows 7??? follow the steps n u r done
Windows 7 activation key list
Guys, here goes some free windows 7 activation key list.
How to: Install Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) on Mac using Boot Camp.
Please check the following steps to install Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit) on your Mac using Boot Camp. Step One Open a new Finder window by clicking the Finder icon in your dock.
Fix Windows 7 Build 7600 This copy of windows is not genuine
Many of us have faced this common problem with Windows 7, which shows “Fix Windows 7 Build 7600 This copy of windows is not genuine”. Purchasing a pirated version of Windows 7 from online or using a cracked Windows 7 DVD causes this error 7600