
Installation and Configuration of XAMPP Apache Web-server on MAC

To install XAMPP just do the following:

  • Open the DMG-Image.
  • Drag’n’Drop the XAMPP folder into your Applications folder.

That’s all. XAMPP is now installed below the /Applications/XAMPP directory.

To start XAMPP simply open XAMPP Control and start Apache, MySQL and ProFTPD.


Sometimes in MAC OSx, we can face a problem on starting the Apache Web-server. It is because, the default localhost port 80 has been used by some other application. So we need to do the following to change the port no.

To change the listening port for XAMPP’s Apache, go to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc and edit httpd.conf. Change the line “Listen 80” (80 is the listening port) to other port, eg. “Listen 1234”.

After changing you might need to restart your Mac, just to make sure.

But because of the permission issue, sometimes you may not able to change the file. So for that,

  • go to terminal and type “mv /etc/apache2/ /Users/nafees/Desktop”
  • actually it says you need authority so
  • type this “sudo -s” then it’ll go to bash-3.2
  • passwd root
  • set your password and then “mv /etc/apache2/ /Users/hseungun/Desktop”
  • try turning on the web sharing, and then start xampp on mac

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