Apple’s AirPlay was first presented in iOS 5, which enabled sending sound and video on iPhone or iPad to AppleTV. It was one of those astounding minutes when Apple coordinated your iDevice and your TV. Moreover, now-a-days, ones’ iPhone can be mirrored to Mac/PC with the help of AirPlay. This post will highlight how to mirror iPhone/iPad to Mac/PC freely.
AirPlay Mirroring is when you stream the display – whatever is on screen – of your iDevice to any AirPlay-receiving device. We can now stream/mirror iPhone displays to your Mac or PC using third-party software. Here’s how to do that. For this purpose I would suggest you to use X-Mirage which is a robust application.
X-Mirage is an expert AirPlay server for Mac, which permits you to remotely stream substance or mirror iPhone, iPad and iPod screen to any Mac. Record screen and sound from iOS gadgets, and in addition voiceover through Microphone with a single click. Just download and use the code
File: x-mirage.dmg
Key: 15f80970a7d0e5b853b81dace2c97f20c1d777e5